Future Agenda
(1) Ph. D. program
We’ll continually prepare for setting up Graduate School of Cultural Resource (Ph. D.).
(2) Think Tank of Traditional Arts
We’ll endeavor to collect, sort and publish the documents and data as to build a think tank of traditional arts.
(3) Alliance between international and local institutions
We’ll push ahead the cooperation between international and local institutions. In Taiwan, we look for connecting famous research centers through alliance as to share teaching resources, establish the long-term partnership with National Museum of Prehistory, National Museum of Natural Science, and National Science and Technology Museum and seek the opportunities for international cooperation. For example, the credit programs of Management of Art Industries in collaboration with National Chengchi University are in the works now. Through this learning mechanism, we could promote academic exchange and offer the environment for art management. In the future, we may work with the “Sister Universities” to achieve the most effective teaching web, by cross-school courses, sharing the same lecturers, etc.
(4) Platform for Research Institutions and Enterprises
We’ll construct a platform for academies and enterprises in the form of strategic alliance. On the one hand, the academic research could offer enterprises suggestions. On the other hand, the enterprises could release opportunities for internship.
(5) Course of Cultural Creative Industries
We’ll set up courses of cultural creative industries.
(6) Cooperation with Foreign Universities and Plan for Abroad Internship
We’ll connect with foreign universities which also have departments and graduate school concerning creative industries, like French, British, Australia, and Japan.
Exchange students, exchange teachers, abroad internship are all part of this plan. In addition to exchange students, we’ll try to pass the proposal of admitting scores of foreign selective courses.